Training Quiz


Training Quiz

1) I am a campus security authority and as such designated to report crimes to public safety:
2) Which of these individuals on campus would likely be a campus security authority?:
3) If a crime is disclosed to me, I am responsible for determining whether the crime took place before reporting:
4) When I receive a crime report I should:
5) As a campus security authority, I only have to report crimes that involve students or staff:
6) If I am not sure whether a crime reported to me fell within Clery-specific geography I should:
7) What information should you obtain when a crime is report to you so you can pass it along to Public Safety?
8) As a CSA, if someone reports a crime to you, you must:


Thank you for your attention to this important campus safety role which you fulfill. If you have any questions about your role as a CSA, please feel free to contact the UCCS Police at 255-3111.