Campus Security Authority Notification Letter
Your position at UCCS has designated you as a Campus Security Authority (CSA). Please carefully read the below information, complete the required training and if you are notified of a crime, contact UCCS Police (719) 255-3111 and complete the online crime reporting form: //asr.uccs.edu/campus-security-authority/csa-crime-reporting-form. Each individual identified as a CSA is required to complete this training, which is federally mandated by the U.S. Department of Education.
CSAs can be the first responder to a student, employee or campus visitor who wants to report a crime and that first encounter with you can determine what the reporting party's next step will be. You are a partner in campus safety and your role as a CSA is crucial.
We have a CSA training video which will give you a good overview of being a CSA and the story behind its inception. We also have CSA webpages for you, //asr.uccs.edur/campus-security-authority. There is a CSA page, CSA Reporting Responsibilities page, CSA Training and Quiz pages, CSA Links and Resources page and a quick link to the CSA Crime Reporting Form. As new CSA information becomes available, we will notify you and encourage you to review that. Please let us know if the video and webpages assist you with your CSA role for our campus community. Every CSA is required to complete annual training and pass the quiz. To find the training, go to //asr.uccs.edu/campus-security-authority/csa-training-and-quiz.
CSA Information:
According to federal law, specifically The Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act of 1990 (re-named the Clery Act in 1998), UCCS Police Department is required to disclose "statistics concerning the occurrence of certain criminal offenses reported to the local police agency or any official of the institution who has "significant responsibility for student and campus activities". Your function at UCCS has been identified by Federal Law as a "Campus Security Authority".
Clery Crimes:
Criminal Offenses that we are required to disclose are Criminal Homicide, including Murder, Non-negligent Manslaughter and Manslaughter by Negligence; Sexual Assault, including Rape, Fondling, Incest and Statutory Rape; Robbery; Aggravated Assault; Burglary; Motor Vehicle Theft; and Arson.
VAWA (Violence Against Woman Act) Offenses that we are required to disclose are Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking.
Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action that we are required to disclose are liquor law violations, drug law violations and/or illegal weapon possession.
Hate Crimes that we are required to disclose are Criminal Homicide, including Murder, Non-negligent Manslaughter and Manslaughter by Negligence; Sexual Assault, including Rape, Fondling, Incest and Statutory Rape; Robbery; Aggravated Assault; Burglary; Motor Vehicle Theft; Arson; Larceny-Theft; Simple Assault; Intimidation; or Destruction/Damage/Vandalism of Property that were motivated by bias.
On March 7, 2013, President Obama signed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) (Pub. Law 113-4), which, among other provisions, amended section 485(f) of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA), otherwise known as the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act). The Clery Act requires institutions of higher education to comply with certain campus safety and security-related requirements as a condition of participating in the Federal student financial aid programs authorized by Title IV of the HEA. Notably, VAWA amended the Clery Act to require institutions to compile statistics for incidents of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking.
Clery Geography:
We are required to disclose offenses that occur on campus, in residence facilities, in non-campus property and on public property.
If you are made aware of any crimes on campus owned and leased property, it is important that you immediately contact campus police (719) 255-3111 or use the Crime Statistics Reporting Form, found at //asr.uccs.edu/campus-security-authority/csa-crime-reporting-form. Your report may be the basis for determining if there is a serious or continuing threat to the safety of our campus community which would require an alert to be disseminated.
UCCS has a responsibility to notify the campus community about any crimes which pose an ongoing threat to the community, and as such, Campus Security Authorities are obligated by law to report crimes immediately to the UCCS Police Department. If there is any question about whether an ongoing threat exists, immediately call UCCS Police at (719) 255-3111 to discuss the matter further.
If you have any questions about this request or you would like to discuss the specifics about an incident, please feel free to contact UCCS Police at (719) 255-3111.
Thank you for your assistance in complying with this federal law. Your CSA role is crucial and an important component to promote safety awareness on our campus.
For more information, please visit the CSA webpage found at: CSA Home.